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Soldiers of Destiny
Soldier of Destiny DVD set
What Others Say
Dr. Barry C. Black, PhD., Chaplain, U. S. Senate
(Monday – Friday 9am to 3 pm Mountain time)
Characters Under Construction
Julius. The soldier who accompanied Paul on the trip to Rome.
Mordecai. The Uncle of Esther. Integrity has the word grit in it!
The Prodigal Son. Running away from the Father puts you in a pig-place.
Barabbas. “I’m pretty good with a knife, and it nearly got me killed….but now…”
My Name Is Legion. The man who was filled with demons until he met Christ: Who casts out his, and our, demons.
Gamaliel the man who taught Saul/Paul then learned some important things from his student.
Naaman the Aramean general with leprosy who learned to listen to little people for a big difference.
The Gardner who watched the burial of Jesus and who returned to find an empty tomb.
Hosea. “God, you can’t be serious! You can’t expect this of me!”
Jeriel. “I remember it well. Mother had only two little coins, mites we called them, but she insisted that we give them to God. I remember, as a 7 year old boy, wondering what we would do for food. She gave all we had. Then….”
Rabsha was ashamed of his sister, Rahab. She brought disgrace to the family name. It was rumored that she even sheltered spies! Then, she warned her family of the judgment to come, and pled with them to follow her as she followed the true God.