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Soldiers of Destiny
Soldier of Destiny DVD set
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David H. Hicks, Chaplain (Major General) USA Ret (former Army Chief of Chaplains)
(Monday – Friday 9am to 3 pm Mountain time)
Old Testament Characters
The Old Testament is full of well told, good stories. Encountering those stories creates and evokes memories, builds our ethical understandings, and most importantly, reveals God and how He works. The stories pointedly remind us of how our experiences parallel those of the Old Testament Characters.
In reality, Old Testament people have much in common with us. They faced similar challenges, fears, and situations. True, their culture, clothing, and geography differ from ours, but their struggles and triumphs are much like our own. We can learn and be enriched by their stories. That is the point of the Old Testament characters listed here. Walk in their sandals, experience their lives, interact with them, and meet God in a new, memorable way